Exceptional senior school education for the Territory’s Christian Schools
NT Christian College (NTCC) is the Senior Years Education provider for NT Christian Schools, providing first-class Christian education for our students across the Northern Territory.
Our goal is to challenge and help all our students to “find their path” — understanding themselves as learners, discovering their passions and abilities, and cultivating strengths for life’s journey. We work to develop all aspects of our students personally, academically and socially and give them the skills they need to live, work and navigate the challenges of our world.
NTCC’s expertise as a Senior Years Education provider has been developed and honed over 30 years of operating within the community-focused environment of Marrara Christian College campus.
These days, NT Christian College extends the same opportunity to senior high school (Years 10-12) students across the territory, delivering Senior Years Education on-site at all urban and regional-based NT Christian Schools campuses.

In 2023, our Campus Locations offering Senior Years Education are:

Palmerston Christian College – up to and including Year 12

Marrara Christian College – up to and including Year 12

Sattler Christian College – up to and including Year 11 (as of 2023, with Year 12 offered in 2024)